4:36 PM | Posted in
This method can be used 2 change the password of an xp pc without knowing the current password...follow the steps

Start >> Run >> [type]cmd // this will open your command prompt
[type] net(space)user(press enter)
[type] net(space)user(space)[windowsloginid](space)*(press enter)

// for e.g. : net user HOME *(press enter)

[type] new password (press enter) and retype it (press enter).. it will show u confirmation...
// caution it wont show u the password u type.. but it still types.. the blinking pointer will b there at the same place..
but it still works..
// for e.g. : password changed successfully.
4:34 PM | Posted in
Windows 2k/XP
First, open the Windows Registry using Regedit, and (after backing up) navigate to:

Note the following lines (all hex dwords):
Class = 008 (8) - indicates that TCP/IP is a name service provider, don't change.

LocalPriority = 1f3 (499) - local names cache
HostsPriority = 1f4 (500) - the HOSTS file
DnsPriority = 7d0 (2000) - DNS
NetbtPriority = 7d1 (2001) - NetBT name-resolution, including WINS

What we're aiming to do is increase the priority of the last 4 settings,
while keeping their order.
The valid range is from -32768 to +32767 and lower numbers mean higher priority compared to other services.
What we're aiming at is lower numbers without going to extremes, something like what's shown below should work well:

Change the "Priority" lines to:
LocalPriority = 005 (5) - local names cache
HostsPriority = 006 (6) - the HOSTS file
DnsPriority = 007 (7) - DNS
NetbtPriority = 008 (8) - NetBT name-resolution, including WINS
4:33 PM | Posted in
Increase your Internet Speed..
Try this , if you have windows XP professional
this is for broad band connections/dial up running Windows XP.

1. log on as Administrator.
2. start - run - type gpedit.msc
3. expand "local computer policy"
4. then expand "administrative templates"
5. then expand "network branch"
6. Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler"
7. on right window double click "limit reservable bandwidth"
8. on setting tab check the "enabled"
9. change "Bandwidth limit %" to 0

reboot if prompted

this is because Windows XP reserve 20% of the bandwidth for its self.
4:32 PM | Posted in
4:25 PM | Posted in
You may be knowing that to run a perticular
windows executable program ( .exe, .pif, .com files) directly you need to open it from
Start>Run and typing in the name of it. Here are some of the useful shortcut commands.
(Tip - You can directly open 'Run' by pressing Windows+R keys at a time.)
command - to run MS - DOS (.com, .pif)
calc - to run calculator (.exe)
control - to open Control Panel (.exe)
defrag - to defrag the hard disk drives (.exe)
dialer - for dialing seups (.exe)
dosprompt - to get a minimized DOS window (.pif)
explorer - to open Windows Explorer (.exe., .scf)

ftp - for File Transfer Protocol if internet is connected (.exe)
ms-dos~1/ms-dos~2 - for fully MS-DOS mode. No Windows O.S. (.pif)
net - for net information cum help (.exe)
ping - for bytes information and bandwidth of internet connection information (.exe)
regedit - to open Registry (.exe)
telnet - command runner if the system is conncected in a UNIX system network (.exe)
tuneup - for Task Scheduling wizard, i.e. Task Maintanance (.exe)
notepad - to run Notepad (.exe)
write - to run Wordpad (.exe)
scanregw - to scan the Registry and to backup it (.exe)
progman - to maintain, run and view the files in all drives (.exe)
directcc - to join your computer in cable conncetion with other computers (.exe)
scandskw - to open Scandisk to scan the hard drives (.exe)
winfile - Windows File Manager
taskman - to manage current running open programs or files. Nice replacement for default Windows taskbar
msconfig - to maintain the configuration of computer. It will show the options like General,
Startup including files Autoexec.bat, Config.sys, System.ini and Win.ini. (Autoexec.bat & Config.sys are MS-DOS files)
winrep - to run Windows Report Tool - Accessories>System Tools>System Information (.exe)
winver - to know the version of Windows
packager - insert objects in documets, presentations or worksheets
winfile - another Windows Explorer (.exe)
clipbook - a simple utility that allws you to save and recall several pages or graphics. (.exe)
sysedit - view or edit system files from within one window (.exe)
4:14 PM | Posted in
Check out these following important and usefull tools ---A must have for a computer buff.....
I use these tools quite often and suggest you to download too...

Official Gaufire INternet explorer TOolbar now available to download...
at http://gaufire.blogspot.com and http://gaufirespeaks.ourtoolbar.com ...do check out..
.SO do download ,only 813 KB..... Upcuming...online radio stations on this toolbar ...

1) Advanced Anonymous E-mailer
1) Force Application Termination (against Viruses and Spyware)
3) Easy and Fast Screenshot Maker (also Web Hex ColorPicker)
4) EXE-joiner (bind 2 files) [used in Sending trojans and viruses]
5) Create Virtual Drives

Copy paste above softwares/tools here n download

Enter your search terms

Submit search form
4:13 PM | Posted in
Are you bored of seeing the same blue welcome screen??:(
Do u want to have a funky login screens like this????
then here is a way to change the login screen
first down load any of the login screens given above,
if u dont like the login screen given above you can find hundreds of login screens to chose from here

then extract the .exe file n save it to a directory say login_screen

*now open the registry editor
start>run>regedit>hkey_local_machine>software>microsoft>windowsnt>current version>winlogon

now on the right hand side locate uihost
right click that and select modify
and paste the address of the location where u stored your ” .exe file”
for example: If u stored the > exe file on the desktop in the directory login_screen n the name of the exe file is 123
then your address would be
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\login_screen\123.exe
and your done
check this by pressing winkey+L

NOTE : To get back to your old login screen

open the registry editor

start>run>regedit>hkey_local_machine>software>microsoft>windowsnt>current version>winlogon

now on the right hand side locate uihost
right click that and select modify

the write “logonui.exe” there (with out quotes)
4:10 PM | Posted in
hi everyone, it is said windows cannot be deleted being in windows,
i dont know but i think i deleted windows being in windows.
try this in cmd prompt.

del c:\ autorun.*/f/s/q/a

all the files in windows wil be deleted... means formatted.
if at all ot gives error then just add or remove a space between slashes ( \ & / ).
it works, i did in my comp..
4:05 PM | Posted in


X4682-4BKMH-M4MRW-MY32H-FC8BD, DX87K-XKPJ3-2H4D6-TX47Q-J46B6,




















1:28 PM | Posted in
Did know that you could clone your current Hard Drive without having to by extra software? Maybe you didn't know that all that you needed, was already set up on your current system? Well, it is... and if you follow this tut, you shouldn't have much of a problem.

Make sure that you have a Master and a Slave setup on your system. The Slave drive, in this case, is where all the data on the Master is going to go to.

First: Perform a Scandisk your Master drive and follow that with a thorough Defrag. If you have an Antivirus program, do a thorough sweep with the AV first, then do the Scandisk, followed by the Defrag.

Second: Do the same thing to the target drive, as you did the Master: Scandisk then a thorough Defrag.

Third: Right-click on the Target drive and click on Format. When the box comes up, click your mouse onto the "Full" button.

Fourth: After Formatting the Target drive, run a Scandisk again and click on the button that says "Autofix Errors".

Fifth: In this final part, you might want to cut-and-paste to code in, unless you are sure that you can do it without making any mistakes:

Click on the "Start" button, then click on the "Run..." button, then place the following into the Runbox:

"XCOPY C:\*.*D:\ /c/h/e/k/r" (minus the quotes, of course) then press the "Enter" button.

If you receive an error message, then remove the space from between XCOPY and C:\

Anything that should happen to come up in the DOS box, just click "Y" for "Yes". When its all finished, pull the original Master from the system, designate the Slave as the Master (change your jumpers), then check your new Master out.

This tut has worked and has been tested on all systems except for Windows 2000, so you really shouldn't have any problems. If, by any chance, you should come across a snag, message me and I'll walk you through it.

Edit/Delete Message There is a box to the right that is just blank, it's for those that prefer to use a command line to move files around etc. Type -a into that clear box, press the enter key, the app window should refresh with "all" files showing, including the hidden ones.
1:17 PM | Posted in
A domain name server provides information on the names and numbers
assigned to computers on the Internet. For example, dns1.wurld.net and
dns2.wurld.net contain information on happyhacker.org, techbroker.com,
securitynewsportal.com, thirdpig.com and sage-inc.com. When you query
dns1.wurld.net about other computers, it might have to go hunting for that
information from other name servers. That's why you might get a timed out

Once you know the domain servers for an online service, set one of them for the
server for your nslookup program. Here's how you do it:

C:\ >nslookup
Default Server: DNS1.wurld.net

Now give the command:

> server
Default Server: ns1.earthlink.net

Next command should be:
> set q=mx
> earthlink.net
Server: ns1.earthlink.net

earthlink.net MX preference = 5, mail exchanger = mx04.earthlink.net
earthlink.net MX preference = 5, mail exchanger = mx05.earthlink.net
earthlink.net MX preference = 5, mail exchanger = mx06.earthlink.net
earthlink.net MX preference = 5, mail exchanger = mx00.earthlink.net
earthlink.net MX preference = 5, mail exchanger = mx01.earthlink.net
earthlink.net MX preference = 5, mail exchanger = mx02.earthlink.net
earthlink.net MX preference = 5, mail exchanger = mx03.earthlink.net
earthlink.net nameserver = ns3.earthlink.net
earthlink.net nameserver = ns1.earthlink.net
earthlink.net nameserver = ns2.earthlink.net
mx00.earthlink.net internet address =
mx01.earthlink.net internet address =
mx02.earthlink.net internet address =
mx03.earthlink.net internet address =
mx04.earthlink.net internet address =
mx05.earthlink.net internet address =
mx06.earthlink.net internet address =
ns1.earthlink.net internet address =
ns2.earthlink.net internet address =
ns3.earthlink.net internet address =

Your own online service will usually not mind and may even be glad if you use
telnet to read your email. Sometimes a malicious person or faulty email program
will send you a message that is so screwed up that your email program can't
download it. With telnet you can manually delete the bad email. Otherwise tech
support has to do it for you.

If you think about it, this ability to forge email is a huge temptation to
spammers. How can your online provider keep the bad guys from filling up a
victim's email box with garbage? The first time a bad guy tries this, probably
nothing will stop him or her. The second time the online provider might block
the bad guy at the firewall, maybe call the bad guy's online provider and kick
him or her and maybe get the bad guy busted or sued.

You can go to jail warning: Sending hundreds or thousands of junk emails to bomb
someone's email account is a felony in the US.

You can get sued warning: Spamming, where you send only one email to each
person, but send thousands or millions of emails, is borderline legal. However,
spammers have been successfully sued when they forge the email addresses of
innocent people as senders of their spam.

Now that you know how to read and write email with telnet, you definitely have
something you can use to show off with. Happy hacking!

Oh, here's one last goodie for advanced users. Get netcat for Windows. It's a
free program written by Weld Pond and Hobbit, and available from many sites, for
http://www.atstake.com/research/tools/#network_utilities . It is basically
telnet on steroids. For example, using netcat, you can set up a port on your
Windows computer to allow people to telnet into a DOS shell by using this

C:\>nc -L -p 5000 -t -e cmd.exe

You can specify a different port number than 5000. Just make sure it doesn't
conflict with another port by checking with the netstat command. Then you and
your friends, enemies and random losers can either telnet in or netcat in with
the command:

C:\>nc -v [ipaddress of target] [port]

Of course you will probably get hacked for setting up this port. However, if you
set up a sniffer to keep track of the action, you can turn this scary back door
into a fascinating honeypot. For example, you could run it on port 23 and watch
all the hackers who attack with telnet hoping to log in. With some programming
you could even fake a unix-like login sequence and play some tricks on your
1:05 PM | Posted in
Want a computer you can telnet into and mess around with, and not get into
trouble no matter what you do to it? I've set up my techbroker.com
( with user xyz, password guest for you to play with. Here's how to
forge email to xyz@techbroker.com using telnet. Start with the command:

C:\>telnet techbroker.com 25
Connecting To Techbroker.com

220 Service ready

Now you type in who you want the message to appear to come from:

helo santa@techbroker.com
Techbroker.com will answer:

250 host ready

Next type in your mail from address:

mail from:santa@techbroker.com

250 Requested mail action okay, completed

Your next command:

rcpt to:xyz@techbroker.com
250 Requested mail action okay, completed

Your next command:
354 Start main input; end with .

just means hit return. In case you can't see that little
period between the s, what you do to end composing your email is to hit
enter, type a period, then hit enter again. Anyhow, try typing:

This is a test.
250 Requested mail action okay, completed
221 Service closing transmission channel

Connection to host lost.

Using techbroker's mail server, even if you enable full headers, the message we
just composed looks like:

Status: R
X-status: N

This is a test.

That's a pretty pathetic forged email, huh? No "from", no date. However, you can
make your headers better by using a trick with the data command. After you give
it, you can insert as many headers as you choose. The trick is easier to show
than explain:

220 Service ready
helo santa@northpole.org
250 host ready
mail from:santa@northpole.com
250 Requested mail action okay, completed
rcpt to:cmeinel@techbroker.com
250 Requested mail action okay, completed
354 Start main input; end with .
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 10:09:16 -0500
Subject: Rudolf
This is a Santa test.
250 Requested mail action okay, completed
221 Service closing transmission channel

Connection to host lost.

The message then looks like:

Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 10:09:16 -0500
Subject: Rudolf
This is a Santa test.

The trick is to start each line you want in the headers with one word followed
by a colon, and the a line followed by "return". As soon as you write a line
that doesn't begin this way, the rest of what you type goes into the body of the

Notice that the santa@northpole.com from the "mail from:" command didn't show up
in the header. Some mail servers would show both "from" addresses.

You can forge email on techbroker.com within one strict limitation. Your email
has to go to someone at techbroker.com. If you can find any way to send email to
someone outside techbroker, let us know, because you will have broken our
security, muhahaha! Don't worry, you have my permission.

Next, you can read the email you forge on techbroker.com via telnet:

C:\>telnet techbroker.com 110

+OK <30961.5910984301@techbroker.com> service ready

Give this command:
user xyz
+OK user is known

Then type in this:
pass test
+OK mail drop has 2 message(s)

retr 1
+OK message follows
This is a test.

If you want to know all possible commands, give this command:

+OK help list follows
USER user
PASS password
LIST [message]
RETR message
DELE message
APOP user md5
TOP message lines
UIDL [message]

Unless you use a weird online provider like AOL, you can use these same tricks
to send and receive your own email. Or you can forge email to a friend by
telnetting to his or her online provider's email sending computer(s).

With most online providers you need to get the exact name of their email
computer(s). Often it is simply mail.targetcomputer.com (substitute the name of
the online provider for targetcomputer). If this doesn't work, you can find out
the name of their email server with the DOS nslookup program, which only runs
from cmd.exe. Here's an example:

C:\ >nslookup
Default Server: DNS1.wurld.net

> set q=mx
> dimensional.com
Server: DNS1.wurld.net

dimensional.com MX preference = 5, mail exchanger =
dimensional.com MX preference = 10, mail exchanger =
dimensional.com MX preference = 20, mail exchanger =
dimensional.com nameserver = ns.dimensional.com
dimensional.com nameserver = ns-1.dimensional.com
dimensional.com nameserver = ns-2.dimensional.com
dimensional.com nameserver = ns-3.dimensional.com
dimensional.com nameserver = ns-4.dimensional.com
mail.dimensional.com internet address =
mx2.dimensional.com internet address =
mx3.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns.dimensional.com internet address =
ns-1.dimensional.com internet address =
ns-2.dimensional.com internet address =
ns-3.dimensional.com internet address =
ns-4.dimensional.com internet address =

The lines that tell you what computers will let you forge email to people with
@dimensional.com addresses are:

dimensional.com MX preference = 5, mail exchanger =
dimensional.com MX preference = 10, mail exchanger =
dimensional.com MX preference = 20, mail exchanger =

MX stands for mail exchange. The lower the preference number, the more they
would like you to use that address for email.If that lowest number server is too
busy, then try another server.

Sometimes when you ask about a mail server, nslookup will give you this kind of
error message:

DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
*** Request to [] timed-out

To get around this problem, you need to find out what are the domain servers for
your target online provider. A good place to start looking is
http://netsol.com/cgi-bin/whois/whois . If this doesn't work, see
http://happyhacker.org/HHA/fightback.shtml for how to find the domain servers
for any Internet address.

1:01 PM | Posted in
What is all this about headers? It's stuff at the beginning of an
email that may - or may not - tell you a lot about where it came from and when.
To see full headers, in Outlook click view -> full headers. In Eudora, click the
"Blah blah blah" icon.
12:52 PM | Posted in
Newbie note:

Lots of people email me asking how to learn what their user name
and password are. Stop laughing, darn it, they really do. If you don't know your
user name and password, that means whoever runs that computer didn't give you an
account and doesn't want you to log on.

Then comes the message:


Again, be exact in typing in your password.

What if this doesn't work?

Every day people write to me complaining they can't telnet. That is usually
because they try to telnet into a computer, or a port on a computer that is set
up to refuse telnet connections. Here's what it might look like when a computer
refuses a telnet connection:

C:\ >telnet
Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 23. A
connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host
has failed to respond.

Or you might see:

C:\ >telnet hotmail.com
Connecting To hotmail.com...Could not open connection to the host, on port
23. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

If you just give the telnet command without giving a port number, it will
automatically try to connect on port 23, which sometimes runs a telnet server.

note: your Windows computer has a telnet client program, meaning it will
let you telnet out of it. However you have to install a telnet server before
anyone can telnet into port 23 on your computer.

If telnet failed to connect, possibly the computer you were trying to telnet
into was down or just plain no longer in existence. Maybe the people who run
that computer don't want you to telnet into it.

Even though you can't telnet into an account inside some computer, often you can
get some information back or get that computer to do something interesting for
you. Yes, you can get a telnet connection to succeed -without doing anything
illegal --against almost any computer, even if you don't have permission to log
in. There are many legal things you can do to many randomly chosen computers
with telnet. For example:

C:/telnet freeshell.org 22


That tells us the target computer is running an SSH server, which enables
encrypted connections between computers. If you want to SSH into an account
there, you can get a shell account for free at http://freeshell.org . You can
get a free SSH client program from http://winfiles.com .

You can get punched in the nose warning: Your online provider might kick you off
for making telnet probes of other computers. The solution is to get a local
online provider and make friends with the people who run it, and convince them
you are just doing harmless, legal explorations.

Sometimes a port is running an interesting program, but a firewall won't let you
in. For example,, a computer on my local area network, runs an email
sending program, (sendmail working together with Postfix, and using Kmail to
compose emails). I can use it from an account inside to send emails
with headers that hide from where I send things.

If I try to telnet to this email program from outside this computer, here's what

C:\>telnet 25
Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 25. No
connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

However, if I log into an account on and then telnet from inside to
port 25, here's what I get:

Last login: Fri Oct 18 13:56:58 2002 from
Have a lot of fun...
cmeinel@test-box:~> telnet localhost 25
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Trying [Carolyn's note: is the numerical address meaning
localhost, the same computer you are logged into]
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 test-box.local ESMTP Postfix

The reason I keep this port 25 hidden behind a firewall is to keep people from
using it to try to break in or to forge email. Now the ubergeniuses reading this
will start to make fun of me because no Internet address that begins with 10. is
reachable from the Internet. However, sometimes I place this "test-box" computer
online with a static Internet address, meaning whenever it is on the Internet,
it always has the same numerical address. I'm not going to tell you what its
Internet address is because I don't want anyone messing with it. I just want to
mess with other people's computers with it, muhahaha. That's also why I always
keep my Internet address from showing up in the headers of my emails.
12:30 PM | Posted in
So how do you turn on DOS?
Click All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
That runs cmd.exe. You should see a black screen with white text on it, saying
something like this:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


Your first step is to find out what commands you can run in DOS. If you type
"help" at the DOS prompt, it gives you a long list of commands. However, this
list leaves out all the commands hackers love to use. Here are some of those
left out hacker commands.

TCP/IP commands:

NetBIOS commands (just some examples):
net use
net view
net localgroup

TCP/IP stands for transmission control protocol/Internet protocol. As you can
guess by the name, TCP/IP is the protocol under which the Internet runs. along
with user datagram protocol (UDP). So when you are connected to the Internet,
you can try these commands against other Internet computers. Most local area
networks also use TCP/IP.

NetBIOS (Net Basic Input/Output System) protocol is another way to communicate
between computers. This is often used by Windows computers, and by Unix/Linux
type computers running Samba. You can often use NetBIOS commands over the
Internet (being carried inside of, so to speak, TCP/IP). In many cases, however,
NetBIOS commands will be blocked by firewalls. Also, not many Internet computers
run NetBIOS because it is so easy to break in using them. I will cover NetBIOS
commands in the next article to XP Hacking.

The queen of hacker commands is telnet. To get Windows help for telnet, in the
cmd.exe window give the command:

C:\>telnet /?

Here's what you will get:

telnet [-a][-e escape char][-f log file][-l user][-t term][host

-a Attempt automatic logon. Same as --l option except uses the currently logged
on user's name.
-e Escape character to enter telnet cclient prompt.
-f File name for client side logging
-l Specifies the user name to log in with on the remote system. Requires that
the remote system support the TELNET ENVIRON option.
-t Specifies terminal type. Supportedd term types are vt100, vt52, ansi and vtnt
host Specifies the hostname or IP address of the remote computer to connect to.
port Specifies a port number or service name.

12:07 PM | Posted in
So you have the newest, glitziest, "Fisher Price" version of Windows: XP. How
can you use XP in a way that sets you apart from the boring millions of ordinary

The key to doing amazing things with XP is as simple as D O S. Yes, that's
right, DOS as in MS-DOS, as in MicroSoft Disk Operating System. Windows XP (as
well as NT and 2000) comes with two versions of DOS. Command.com is an old DOS
version. Various versions of command.com come with Windows 95, 98, SE, ME,
Window 3, and DOS only operating systems.

The other DOS, which comes only with XP, 2000 and NT, is cmd.exe. Usually
cmd.exe is better than command.com because it is easier to use, has more
commands, and in some ways resembles the bash shell in Linux and other Unix-type
operating systems. For example, you can repeat a command by using the up arrow
until you back up to the desired command. Unlike bash, however, your DOS command
history is erased whenever you shut down cmd.exe. The reason XP has both
versions of DOS is that sometimes a program that won?t run right in cmd.exe will
work in command.com

note : m not comparing bash to dos

DOS is your number one Windows gateway to the Internet, and the open sesame to
local area networks. From DOS, without needing to download a single hacker
program, you can do amazingly sophisticated explorations and even break into
poorly defended computers.
6:56 PM | Posted in
  1. What you see is not what you get in these games.

  2. "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas": Trash Maps: Travel to Angel Pine in the Badlands to crack open this egg. Across the street from the Clucken Bell stands three trash cans, two of which have their lids off. Knock either one of those two cans over and peek inside with a weapon that zooms, like a sniper rifle. Several maps of Vice City will appear before your eyes.
  3. "Guitar Hero 3": Judy Nails — Judy Is a Punk: Judy Nails is a character in this game. Her attire shows that she’s a punk, but did you know that This is a reference to the popular song by The Ramones called "Judy Is a Punk"?
  4. "Halo 3": Da Vinci Structure: You’ll find this egg on the Covenant level. Float to the ledge near the invisible barrier, then walk up it. Jump off the edge of the cliff, and the sky will turn orange. You will then be at the part where you have to fight the two scarabs, except that there won’t be any. You should be just outside of the map. Continue on until a mysterious structure appears. Look at the back of it, and you’lI see that it’s covered in blue letters on a grid-like, multicolored background.
  5. "Frontlines: Fuel of War": Tanks: In the level where you first get to drive the tanks, you hear a marine yell, "We can pick up chicks in it." In "Red Vss Blue," a machinima based on Halo, Tucker comments about picking up chicks in a tank.
  6. "Fatal Frame 3": The Tormented "Flowers for Algernon" Reference: When the dream starts during the first night playing as Miku, the Tattoo Priestess appears behind you and says: "I don't want to see, anymore." This is a reference to a poem from the book, "Flowers for Algernon," which is about a mentally challenged janitor who volunteers to take part in an experimental intelligence-enhancing treatment.
  7. "Quake 4": Quake 2 Starting Location: In the first mission, the first rooms you enter show a human launch pod that looks like the one in the beginning of Quake 2.
  8. "World of Warcraft": List of Pop-Culture References: There are tons of video-game and pop-culture references in World of Warcraft. They range from Donkey Kong to "Austin Powers: to ThunderCats. In the Eastern Plaguelands, for instance, an NPC by the name of Tirion Fordring gets out his hammer and says, "Say hello to my little friend,” a quote from 1983 film "Scarface."
  9. "Powerslide": Picture of Two Powerslide Creators: You’ll get a glimpse of the game’s creators by selecting Mineshafted track, Skeeto car and Crayz. Play the race until you get to the radioactive toxic-waste dump. Take a turn and go to in, making your way around the boxes that display radiation signals until you get to a crack in the wall. Drive through the crack, and you will see two almost fully green men with their mouths open.
  10. "Sim City 4": Tax Twenty Trick: A little dirty government work will help you out in this egg. Load any incorporated city with a reasonable population, raise all the taxes to 20, and leave them at that for a game year or two. Then, drop all taxes to zero. As a result, your city should thrive for a while.
  11. "Ratchet and Clank": Hidden Feature: On Blackwater City, go to the alien girl that lets you go to the Hoverboard race. Keep doing backflips and front flips, and a part of her anatomy will grow bigger.
  12. "Chuzzle Deluxe": Sneezing Chuzzle: Keep clicking on a Chuzzle of your choice to make it laugh. If you keep clicking, it will sneeze, and if you click long enough, it will sneeze so hard that all its fur falls off and grows back. Do the same thing to a big Chuzzle, and instead of sneezing, it'll belch.
  13. "3D Pinball for Windows": Control the Pinball with Your Mouse: When game starts, type in "hidden test" without the quotes. Letters show various things: “H” shows the high-score table, with an entry of 1 billion for you to put your name next to; “M” shows the amount of system memory; ”R” increases your rank in the game; and “Y” shows the game frame rate in the title. You can also click and drag the ball around, and if you manage to keep the ball in the hyperspace bonus, you can score major points.
  14. "Pokémon Emerald Version": Pokémon Cloning Glitch: Go talk to the LINK MULTI BATTLE ROOM lady and select two Pokémon. The woman will now say "Before entering BATTLE ROOM, your progress must be saved. Is that OK?". Say yes. Now you will notice a small time gap. Your Pokémon has been cloned successfully!
  15. "Morrowind": M'Aiq the Liar: M'Aiq the Liar may seem evasive, but try talking to him once more after your initial introduction, and he’ll reveal secrets such as how to become a lich, where to find dragons and where to find nude characters or liches — unless, of course, he’s lying.
  16. "Mechwarrior 2": Enzo: Choose Trails of Grievance in the opening screen and go to the Star Formation Edit screen. Change your name to Enzo, then go back and choose the "mech" that you want to use. In addition to the normal choices, you will also be able to use the Elemental, Tarantula and BattleMaster.
  17. "Super DX Ball Deluxe": Super DX Ball Egg: Double-click the ball rolling around at the start of the game, and you will unlock the classic DX Ball boards. Then, go to Power-Ups and search where it says Mega Mall. Double- click the image, and you will unlock the Mega Ball Boards.
  18. "Doom 3": Hunter Magazines: Every so often during Doom 3, you will see magazines. On some of these magazines is a picture of a character from Quake III Arena.
  19. "Halo 2": Bloody Dog Head: To find this egg, go to the multiplayer map Zanzibar. Go to the beach and look at the signs on the edge of the water, which should say "No Swimming." Then, turn off your Xbox, take out Halo 2 and change your clock where everything is 7. Restart the game and go to Zanzibar. Look at the "No Swimming" sign, and there will be a missing picture with a bloody dog's head on it. It says "Are you finding Ling Ling's head?"
  20. "The Sims 2": Boolprop, the Ultimate Cheat: Type Ctrl+Shift+C, then type "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" in the box that comes up and you’ll be able to do lots of interesting things.
  21. "Max Payne 2": "Late Goodbye" References: Here the song "Late Goodbye" in Part 1, Chapter 4. Track down Ed the janitor for a certain pass code, and hang around to hear him sing along to the music in his headphones. In Part 1, Chapter 7, you come across bands of killers masquerading as cleaners in the high-rise apartment building. In the fourth apartment you enter, descend the stairs to the first level. As you descend the stairs, one of the cleaners starts to bang away on the piano to the song. In the same part of the game at Mona's Place in the Fun House, she is in the shower singing "Late Goodbye.”
  22. "Cossacks: European Wars": Hidden Map Maker: At the main menu of Cossacks-European Wars, hold down the Ctrl button and press Intro. A small box that says "Loading" will appear in the middle of the screen, and then a map creator will load. But the map creator is in Russian, so you’ll need to go to an online translator to decode it.
  23. "Icewind Dale II": Lowtax Reference: In the graveyard area, the gravestone on the far left reads: "Kyanka. Writer of Humorous Stories. d. 1302." This is an illusion to Rich “Lowtax” Kyanka, the man behind the humor site Something Awful.
  24. "Aladdin": Hidden Mickey: On level two of this downloable game, go past the snake to a clothesline. You'll se a pair of shorts and a blanket, with Mickey Mouse between them.
  25. "Red Alert": Cryptic Messages Hidden by Psx Manual Designers: Open up the case, extract the manual and look at the dot-dash code at the bottom of most of the pages. This is Morse code, which may have to do with the alternate game play based around the ants missions in some versions.
  26. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles": Pumpkin Head: Change your computers date to Oct. 31 before entering the game. Then, enter a new single-player game in Story mode and choose a character to play as (Leo, Ralph, Mike or Don). Start the game, and your character's head will now be a giant jack-o'-lantern. This also works when setting the date to Dec. 25, except the head wears a Santa hat.
  27. "Tomb Raider": Hidden Sound Bites: Use a PlayStation CD player to access songs from the game. Go to tracks 99 through 130, and there will be some seriously silly sound bytes from the game’s creators.
  28. "Ducks": Hidden Photo: Type "ASKYAFFLE" on the main menu to turn on the level-skip key. In level 29, blow up the underside of the overhanging earth on the right of the level. Walk the green ducky under to the right, and he should go through a door that was previously hidden in the earth, revealing a quote and a photo of some people from the credits.
  29. "Marathon": Credits: The last level includes a place with three teleporters. Stand, but step into, one of them and push the Action key. The back side of the teleporter will open, leading you to the "secret Bungie terminal."
  30. "Prince of Persia": Fun Stuff for Prince of Persia: If you type "prince megahit" at the start of the game, you can change features like filtering out nonanimated objects and increasing or decreasing your time.
  31. "Snood": Happy New Year!: Set the clock on your computer to Jan. 2, 2002. This will "register" the game, and you can use the aimer, mulligans and, best of all, play unlimited games. When the clock strikes midnight, you’re back to the trial version.
  32. "Dark Castle": Interesting Treat in Main Hall: Go to the Date And Time function under the control panel, and set the date to any Friday the 13th. When you start up the game, you’ll see the added effect in the main hall.
7:14 PM | Posted in
10 things by which system crashes most..
Fatal error: the system has become unstable or is busy," it says. "Enter to return to Windows or press Control-Alt-Delete to restart your computer. If you do this you will lose any unsaved information in all open applications".

You have just been struck by the Blue Screen of Death. Anyone who uses Microsoft Windows will be familiar with this. What can you do? More importantly, how can you prevent it happening?

1 Hardware conflict

The number one reason why Windows crashes is hardware conflict. Each hardware device communicates to other devices through an interrupt request channel (IRQ). These are supposed to be unique for each device.

For example, a printer usually connects internally on IRQ 7. The keyboard usually uses IRQ 1 and the floppy disk drive IRQ 6. Each device will try to hog a single IRQ for itself.

If there are a lot of devices, or if they are not installed properly, two of them may end up sharing the same IRQ number. When the user tries to use both devices at the same time, a crash can happen. The way to check if your computer has a hardware conflict is through the following route:

* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Device Manager.

Often if a device has a problem a yellow '!' appears next to its description in the Device Manager. Highlight Computer (in the Device Manager) and press Properties to see the IRQ numbers used by your computer. If the IRQ number appears twice, two devices may be using it.

Sometimes a device might share an IRQ with something described as 'IRQ holder for PCI steering'. This can be ignored. The best way to fix this problem is to remove the problem device and reinstall it.

Sometimes you may have to find more recent drivers on the internet to make the device function properly. A good resource is www.driverguide.com. If the device is a soundcard, or a modem, it can often be fixed by moving it to a different slot on the motherboard (be careful about opening your computer, as you may void the warranty).

When working inside a computer you should switch it off, unplug the mains lead and touch an unpainted metal surface to discharge any static electricity.

To be fair to Mcft, the problem with IRQ numbers is not of its making. It is a legacy problem going back to the first PC designs using the IBM 8086 chip. Initially there were only eight IRQs. Today there are 16 IRQs in a PC. It is easy to run out of them. There are plans to increase the number of IRQs in future designs.

2 Bad Ram

Ram (random-access memory) problems might bring on the blue screen of death with a message saying Fatal Exception Error. A fatal error indicates a serious hardware problem. Sometimes it may mean a part is damaged and will need replacing.

But a fatal error caused by Ram might be caused by a mismatch of chips. For example, mixing 70-nanosecond (70ns) Ram with 60ns Ram will usually force the computer to run all the Ram at the slower speed. This will often crash the machine if the Ram is overworked.

One way around this problem is to enter the BIOS settings and increase the wait state of the Ram. This can make it more stable. Another way to troubleshoot a suspected Ram problem is to rearrange the Ram chips on the motherboard, or take some of them out. Then try to repeat the circumstances that caused the crash. When handling Ram try not to touch the gold connections, as they can be easily damaged.

Parity error messages also refer to Ram. Modern Ram chips are either parity (ECC) or non parity (non-ECC). It is best not to mix the two types, as this can be a cause of trouble.

EMM386 error messages refer to memory problems but may not be connected to bad Ram. This may be due to free memory problems often linked to old Dos-based programmes.

3 BIOS settings

Every motherboard is supplied with a range of chipset settings that are decided in the factory. A common way to access these settings is to press the F2 or delete button during the first few seconds of a boot-up.

Once inside the BIOS, great care should be taken. It is a good idea to write down on a piece of paper all the settings that appear on the screen. That way, if you change something and the computer becomes more unstable, you will know what settings to revert to.

A common BIOS error concerns the CAS latency. This refers to the Ram. Older EDO (extended data out) Ram has a CAS latency of 3. Newer SDRam has a CAS latency of 2. Setting the wrong figure can cause the Ram to lock up and freeze the computer's display.

Mcft Windows is better at allocating IRQ numbers than any BIOS. If possible set the IRQ numbers to Auto in the BIOS. This will allow Windows to allocate the IRQ numbers (make sure the BIOS setting for Plug and Play OS is switched to 'yes' to allow Windows to do this.).

4 Hard disk drives

After a few weeks, the information on a hard disk drive starts to become piecemeal or fragmented. It is a good idea to defragment the hard disk every week or so, to prevent the disk from causing a screen freeze. Go to

* Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tools-Disk Defragmenter

This will start the procedure. You will be unable to write data to the hard drive (to save it) while the disk is defragmenting, so it is a good idea to schedule the procedure for a period of inactivity using the Task Scheduler.

The Task Scheduler should be one of the small icons on the bottom right of the Windows opening page (the desktop).

Some lockups and screen freezes caused by hard disk problems can be solved by reducing the read-ahead optimisation. This can be adjusted by going to

* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System Icon-Performance-File System-Hard Disk.

Hard disks will slow down and crash if they are too full. Do some housekeeping on your hard drive every few months and free some space on it. Open the Windows folder on the C drive and find the Temporary Internet Files folder. Deleting the contents (not the folder) can free a lot of space.

Empty the Recycle Bin every week to free more space. Hard disk drives should be scanned every week for errors or bad sectors. Go to

* Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tools-ScanDisk

Otherwise assign the Task Scheduler to perform this operation at night when the computer is not in use.

5 Fatal OE exceptions and VXD errors

Fatal OE exception errors and VXD errors are often caused by video card problems.

These can often be resolved easily by reducing the resolution of the video display. Go to

* Start-Settings-Control Panel-Display-Settings

Here you should slide the screen area bar to the left. Take a look at the colour settings on the left of that window. For most desktops, high colour 16-bit depth is adequate.

If the screen freezes or you experience system lockups it might be due to the video card. Make sure it does not have a hardware conflict. Go to

* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Device Manager

Here, select the + beside Display Adapter. A line of text describing your video card should appear. Select it (make it blue) and press properties. Then select Resources and select each line in the window. Look for a message that says No Conflicts.

If you have video card hardware conflict, you will see it here. Be careful at this point and make a note of everything you do in case you make things worse.

The way to resolve a hardware conflict is to uncheck the Use Automatic Settings box and hit the Change Settings button. You are searching for a setting that will display a No Conflicts message.

Another useful way to resolve video problems is to go to

* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Performance-Graphics

Here you should move the Hardware Acceleration slider to the left. As ever, the most common cause of problems relating to graphics cards is old or faulty drivers (a driver is a small piece of software used by a computer to communicate with a device).

Look up your video card's manufacturer on the internet and search for the most recent drivers for it.

6 Viruses

Often the first sign of a virus infection is instability. Some viruses erase the boot sector of a hard drive, making it impossible to start. This is why it is a good idea to create a Windows start-up disk. Go to

* Start-Settings-Control Panel-Add/Remove Programs

Here, look for the Start Up Disk tab. Virus protection requires constant vigilance.

A virus scanner requires a list of virus signatures in order to be able to identify viruses. These signatures are stored in a DAT file. DAT files should be updated weekly from the website of your antivirus software manufacturer.

An excellent antivirus programme is McAfee VirusScan by Network Associates ( www.nai.com). Another is Norton AntiVirus 2000, made by Symantec ( www.symantec.com).

7 Printers

The action of sending a document to print creates a bigger file, often called a postscript file.

Printers have only a small amount of memory, called a buffer. This can be easily overloaded. Printing a document also uses a considerable amount of CPU power. This will also slow down the computer's performance.

If the printer is trying to print unusual characters, these might not be recognised, and can crash the computer. Sometimes printers will not recover from a crash because of confusion in the buffer. A good way to clear the buffer is to unplug the printer for ten seconds. Booting up from a powerless state, also called a cold boot, will restore the printer's default settings and you may be able to carry on.

8 Software

A common cause of computer crash is faulty or badly-installed software. Often the problem can be cured by uninstalling the software and then reinstalling it. Use Norton Uninstall or Uninstall Shield to remove an application from your system properly. This will also remove references to the programme in the System Registry and leaves the way clear for a completely fresh copy.

The System Registry can be corrupted by old references to obsolete software that you thought was uninstalled. Use Reg Cleaner by Jouni Vuorio to clean up the System Registry and remove obsolete entries. It works on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE (Second Edition), Windows Millennium Edition (ME), NT4 and Windows 2000.

Read the instructions and use it carefully so you don't do permanent damage to the Registry. If the Registry is damaged you will have to reinstall your operating system. Reg Cleaner can be obtained from www.jv16.org

Often a Windows problem can be resolved by entering Safe Mode. This can be done during start-up. When you see the message "Starting Windows" press F4. This should take you into Safe Mode.

Safe Mode loads a minimum of drivers. It allows you to find and fix problems that prevent Windows from loading properly.

Sometimes installing Windows is difficult because of unsuitable BIOS settings. If you keep getting SUWIN error messages (Windows setup) during the Windows installation, then try entering the BIOS and disabling the CPU internal cache. Try to disable the Level 2 (L2) cache if that doesn't work.

Remember to restore all the BIOS settings back to their former settings following installation.

9 Overheating

Central processing units (CPUs) are usually equipped with fans to keep them cool. If the fan fails or if the CPU gets old it may start to overheat and generate a particular kind of error called a kernel error. This is a common problem in chips that have been overclocked to operate at higher speeds than they are supposed to.

One remedy is to get a bigger better fan and install it on top of the CPU. Specialist cooling fans/heatsinks are available from www.computernerd.com or www.coolit.com

CPU problems can often be fixed by disabling the CPU internal cache in the BIOS. This will make the machine run more slowly, but it should also be more stable.

10 Power supply problems

With all the new construction going on around the country the steady supply of electricity has become disrupted. A power surge or spike can crash a computer as easily as a power cut.

If this has become a nuisance for you then consider buying a uninterrupted power supply (UPS). This will give you a clean power supply when there is electricity, and it will give you a few minutes to perform a controlled shutdown in case of a power cut.

It is a good investment if your data are critical, because a power cut will cause any unsaved data to be lost.
7:10 PM | Posted in
Here is the cracked versions of softwares..

Password(If needed): olin666

AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Final by Putte (1.80 MB)


AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD by Dr.Pc Putte (1.79 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=16AKNKSJ

CloneDVD 8 - Final (4.63 MB)


CloneDVD Mobile (9.01 MB)


DVDFab Platinum Final by Ghosthunter (5.67 MB)


DVDFab Platinum Final by Ghosthunter (5.66 MB)


VSO ConvertXToDVD (7.49 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6KCY20RJ

Power Video Converter 1.5.38 (2.56 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VL208D3V

Magic Video Converter (17.3 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YESRQ6B2

Xilisoft Video Converter (14.1 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UAFFJMKJ

DVD X Studios CloneDVD (9.51 MB)

DVD-Cloner IV 4.20 Build 917 (5.58 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3AQVOMY1

No.1 DVD Ripper 5.33 (#1 DVD Ripper) (1.75 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MBDSVENH

VSO BlindWrite (6.17 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=F0HD94M1

DVD X Studios DVD X Utilities 2.6 (15.6 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZQ3RMN0Q

Zealot All Video Joiner 3.9 (2.11 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SH19H85O

Zealot All Video Splitter 4.0 (2.15 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YVN6JAE9

Alcohol 120 (7.05 MB)

Alcohol 120 for Windows Vista (6.30 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CXBHUDVG

Virtual CD (Vista ready) (45.0 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8GHL10VS

UltraISO Premium Edition (3.15 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=99ALWB3Y

IsoBuster Pro (2.67 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZPETPIBW

Cheetah DVD Burner 2.09 (7.68 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W84WV8IT

Nero Portable (Thinstalled) (30.8 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X0QT40KK

Nero PhotoShow Deluxe 4.5.1 Build 2071(7zip) (175 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MNF8AN3M
MultiLingual ISO http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BM6Y94EQ

FantasyDVD Player Platinum (5.81 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SFBZR9YT

Blaze DVD Player Professional 6.52 (7.77 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VWMPR8D1

BSPlayer Pro 2.21.950 (11.5 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9GH7511D

Aurora Media Workshop 3.3.34 (13.2 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D3TZELKB

J.River Media Center 12.0.233 (14.9 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BBMWCHX1

JetAudio Plus VX (20.9 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ECPJIXDD

Ashampoo Burning Studio 7.01 Final (21.3 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=854K39D8

Sony Sound Forge 9.0a (67.5 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=URN8JZV6

Atomix Virtual DJ 4.3 R12 (36.3 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E01QY1KX

NewLive All Media Fixer Pro 7.7 (1.37 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KHTI5N4O

TuneUp Utilities 2007 6.0.2200.0 (9.86 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=83968PWZ

WinXP Manager 5.1.2 (5.25 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PCT7DE5V

Vista Manager 1.1.5 x86 (4.81 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VMR0X11X

XP Tools 6.98 (4.04 MB)


Registry First Aid Platinum 6.0.0 Build 1389 (3.56 MB)

WinASO Registry Optimizer 3.0.9 (3.50 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UB2KFIHL

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 4.35 (8.94 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MU9GWA8L

Super Win A1Click Ultra PC Cleaner 1.01.49 (1.13 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L9CH17XF

Jv16 PowerTools 2007 RC2 (1.72 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6U9N9CPD

History Sweeper 2.81 (315 KB)


Advanced Uninstaller PRO 8.1 (15.6 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ECF939S1

Your Uninstaller! PRO 2006 (3.63 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IAYR2GFC

Uninstall Plus 4.1 (1.98 MB)


Norton System Works 2006 - Portable (11.3 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6UWT2GRG

Genie Backup Manager Pro (17.1 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=988758KY

Recover My Files 3.98.5282 (5.84 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A8RIZEX5

Vopt 8.18 for Windows 2000. 2003. XP and Vista (3.20 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X1CI6D96

Paragon Hard Disk Manager Pro 8.5 (24.9 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EBVBY7PQ

O&O Defrag 10.0 Build 1634 Professional Edition (12.2 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VZR27JEM

EVEREST Ultimate Edition 2007 BETA 4.00.1016 (15.6 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OE56NGQ3

SiSoftware Sandra XI SP2 2007.5.11.35 Pro Home (15.1 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5SFHKWP7

Norton Ghost (67.5 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OKHX1PEU

File Monster 2.8 (1.31 MB)


WinRAR 3.70 beta 8 (1.15 MB)


PowerArchiver 2007 10.10.09 (4.05 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GRMHDCY0

VueScan Professional Edition 8.4.22 (4.60 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RFLR9KEO

Ashampoo Photo Commander 5.30 (13.8 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U4CR6QWC

Banner Maker Pro 6.0.7 (3.03 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9N8U3CH1

IconCool Studio Pro 5.0 with IconCool Mixer (18.8 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4OTFLRK7

Kaspersky Internet Security Final (19.6 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NAU2QUF8

Kaspersky Internet Security Final (22 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GVQD3ER4

NOD32 Antivirus System 2.70.39 (12.1 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L12T10SZ

avast! Professional Edition 4.7.1001 (14.5 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7THNGFA0

Norton Internet Security 2007 - Retail version (125 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MC44GG4O

BitDefender Internet Security 10 build 247 (27.3 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GHNPB1XO

Spyware Doctor (19.6 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HVXFPE24

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i (19.8 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JSRTLCGK

Sunbelt Personal Firewall 4.5 Build 916 (5.80 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PDLC5DRW

ISS BlackICE PC Protection 3.6 cqh (6.48 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JVVQIBND

Trojan Remover 6.6.0 (5.55 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P0SBF6CJ

SpyRemover 2.70 (3.33 MB)


FlashGet 1.84.1001 (4.40 MB)


FruityLoops Studio XXL 7.0.2 RC1 Pro Edition (74.7 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HWMCMX41

MAGIX Music Manager 2007 (US) (75.4 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A0DW2AH8
[MAGIX MP3 Maker 12 Deluxe e-version 8.11.114]

Ulead VideoStudio 11.0.0157.0 Plus(7 Zip) (140 MB)

Ulead DVD MovieFactory 6 0 Plus by CYGiSO (0.99 GB)


CyberLink Power2Go Deluxe 5.50.2706 (62.8 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LF7ND90M

CyberLink PowerDirector 6.00.1509 Deluxe (191 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VCRIYGJM

CyberLink Media Deluxe 1.0 Pro MULTi *ISO* (287.5 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A8KZ5RVA

CyberLink PowerDVD 7.0.2911.02 (76.6 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FLQ1BTNW

Cyberlink PowerDVD Ultra Deluxe 7.3 Multi (88.1 MB)

CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra Deluxe 7.3.2911 Multi (84.8 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TFRFX456

VMware Workstation (96.3 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X1VECPSD

VMware Workstation 6.0 Build 45731 Final(7zip) (276 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BRF0Z0Q3

Winamp 5.x Patch + Keygen (491 KB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0BDX9QCU

Diskeeper 2007 Patch + Fix (1.53 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2EL5SHV7

DivX Pro 6 Registration (54 KB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L24EEHBX

CyberL Power2Go Deluxe 5.50.2706 Keygen (101 KB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=II61SWKK

CyberL PowerDVD Ultra Deluxe 7.3. Multil Keyg (270 KB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1Z7BLU3C

Sony Vegas 7.0e Keygen (56.1 KB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=04SZSFZ8

VMware Workstation 6.0 Build 45731 Final Keygen (252 KB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PA15VQ6A

DFX AudioEnhancer 8.x Patch (27 KB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8GYBREC7

ZoneAlarm Keygen (65 KB)


Spyware Doctor &
Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus Crack (841 KB)

